Friday, July 11, 2008


The summer is 1/2 way over. I can't tell if I would like to view this information as a glass 1/2 empty or 1/2 full...If I survive the rest of the summer I'll make sure to let everyone know. The following information may sound like a rough draft for an annoying Christmas letter but I'm going to write it anyways... This spring and summer the family and I have been around the world twice, and have done community service in all nations visited. Cade has been called to serve a mission in China as the youngest missionary ever (he speaks Chinese perfectly and his stir fry is not to be challenged). Speaking of China, Madalyn will be swimming in the Olympics this August. I almost forgot, a year from now our 5 year old Anna will be graduating from medical school. May this letter find you and your family surpassing all of your summer dreams. Love, The Humble Moss Family HaHaHaHa Reality Check: We've gone through several boxes of band-aids, had sunburns and itchy patches that needed mystery cream applied so overly tired children would miraculously fall asleep at night. We've slept on the tramp, in a houseboat, at a hotel, but best of all on an air mattress under the stars. We've cooked s'mores over of a fire, a BBQ and my favorite not cooked at all. We've flown a kite, played baseball, swam, ridden bicycles and skate boards. We have cried and laughed and sometimes done both at the same time. And just for the fun of it we've read. All in all we have done nothing great or extraordinary. But I think years from now we will look back and realize that all the time spent just living will equal out to be something really special!