Friday, May 15, 2009

My Paper Chain...

My paper chain (until school is out) is getting shorter and shorter! For the kids it means that sleeping in and hours of morning cartoons are right around the corner. For me it means hearing endless phrases like..."He looked at me", "She touched me", "He crossed the invisiable line" (you know the one that only the child in charge can see)! But there are also great things that come along with summer vacation; no homework, no more sack lunches, trips to Lake Powell, a break from book reports and time consuming projects (that we as parents do 99.9% of!). It's a good thing that the kids get a break from school during the summer months when the weather allows for out of doors activities (cooking smores inside just isn't the same and sleeping in a tent in the living sucks outside too!). Bottom line summer vacation is like any other vacation, the kids still have to eat and dirty laundry seems to pile up faster then it can be washed and shoved away (the shoved part done by the kids).


Dynamic Chiropractic said...

Digging the new back ground! Yes paper chain for us down to 5 days for school, 35 for graduation!

Jeanine & Christian Brown said...

My kids won't be out of school for 5 1/2 more weeks. I think we will be spending a lot of time at the out door water playgrounds, there are 6 or 7 of them with in a 15 minute drive.
Have a fun summer.