Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Wax Museum

Each month Cade has to read a themed book and then put together an elaborate book report. I am positive that the teachers do this to test the skills of the parents (I think I'm getting an A+ this should have seen my papermache puppets!) This month Cade read a book about Andrew Jackson. The project included putting together a tri-fold board highlighting the events of his life. And then dressing up as President Jackson pretending to be in a wax museum and coming to life when someone put money in your jar and pushed a pretend button. Did you follow that? Family is then invited to come to the museum. I'm sure you're wondering why they are asking for money...for the 4th grade OPERA (I can't wait for that project, hahaha). Cade did a great job. I had fun looking at how the other parents did on their book reports!

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